The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the representative body of the Plan and the Fund vis-à-vis participants and beneficiaries, as well as third parties.
He manages both the Pensions Caixa 2, P.F. ’s such as the Caixabank Associated Collective Plan in accordance with the functions attributed to it in the Plan Specifications and the Fund’s Operating Rules.
The Board of Trustees ordinarily holds 6 meetings a year, without prejudice to calling meetings more frequently if so considered.
It is made up of 9 members, 8 representing the participants and 1 representing the beneficiaries, in the event that the beneficiaries exceed 20% of the active members of the plan.
At present, this percentage is not reached, so the 9 members of the Control Committee act on behalf of the active members.
The appointment and election of members is carried out every 4 years, through the corresponding electoral process contemplated in the specifications.
All of its members are appointed by agreement of the majority of Caixabank’s labor representatives. Currently 4 representatives from CCOO (President and three members), 3 from SECB (Secretary and two members) and 2 members from UGT.
Collaborating Agents
The following agents collaborate with the Board of Trustees on a day-to-day basis, each one of them playing a fundamental role for the proper functioning of both the Plan and the Fund.